A social procurement partnership between a Dutch social enterprise, a facility management company and a leading bank creates a green and inclusive workplace

A social procurement partnership | Nelis Company and Facilicom Group x ABN AMRO

Nelis Company and Facilicom Group

is a Dutch social enterprise that provides services such as window cleaning, facade cleaning, solar panel cleaning, small jobs, and janitorial services. It focuses on offering training and job opportunities for young people with special support needs, thereby creating significant social impact through employment and skill development.

Facilicom Group is a large facility management company providing a wide range of services including cleaning, security, and corporate catering. Nelis Company and Facilicom Group are have been collaborating for several years.


ABN AMRO is a leading Dutch bank committed to sustainability, inclusivity, and creating a waste-free economy. The bank integrates these principles into its operations, aiming to be Paris-proof by 2030 and striving to be an exemplary employer. In addition to sustainability, ABN AMRO aims to create job opportunities for people facing issues like mental health problems, unstable home situations, debts, refugee backgrounds, or other challenges.ABN AMRO collaborates with various social enterprises to achieve these goals and enhance their own credibility in advising clients on sustainable practice.

The Partnership 

Facilicom Group is the facility partner for ABM AMRO. Social and sustainability criteria are an important element of this partnership and were part of the request. 

Under the ABN AMRO contract, Facilicom aims for 10% of employees to come from the target group with special support needs. This percentage is exceeded, with nearly 13% of employees in December having this characteristic. The plan is to increase this number to 15% by the end of 2026. These colleagues are offered work in cleaning or catering, but also move on to security and office positions.

Part of the recruitment of the target group is done via Nelis Company, During the procurement process, Facilicom asked Ian Smeyers, director of Nelis Company, to contribute ideas for implementation at ABN AMRO. Ian shares:“The agreement was made for Nelis to participate in the execution. We handle part of the window cleaning, and that counts towards the requested social value”

As a founding partner of Social Enterprise NL and partner of Buy Social, ABN AMRO supports social entrepreneurship. Therefore, social enterprises like KRNWTR+, GRO, and the Sign Language Coffee Bar are also part of the collaboration.

The Impact

13% of all people working in the facility from are from a target group with special needs
Together with Facillicom, ABN AMERO Introduced reusable cup which saves 91,000 kilos of waste per year
At least three other social enterprises are involved in the contract